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                             5 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Early Jurassic Flood Basalt Volcanism on Franz Josef Land Archipelago: Geological and Palynostratigraphical Data Karyakin, Yu. V.

30 Suppl 1 p. S23-S46
2 Integrated Paleocene–Eocene Nannofossil and Stable Isotope Stratigraphy in the Northern Caucasus, Russia Shcherbinina, E.

30 Suppl 1 p. 378-407
3 Provenances of the Upper Precambrian Clay Rocks in the Southern Urals: Results of Geochemical and Sm–Nd Isotope Geochemical Investigations Maslov, A. V.

30 Suppl 1 p. 30-51
4 Sr and Pb Isotopic Compositions in Dolostones of the Lower Riphean Billyakh Group, Anabar Uplift: Step-Leaching Technique in Chemostratigraphy and Geochronology Gorokhov, I. M.

30 Suppl 1 p. 201-227
5 Taxonomy and Biostratigraphic Significance of the Toarcian Bivalves of the Genus Meleagrinella Whitfield, 1885 Lutikov, O. A.

30 Suppl 1 p. S47-S77
                             5 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland